I am going to try and be more prompt with my posts from now on as so much happens then I get a back log of adventures to share. I had a impulsive end to Norway with buying a ticket to Nepal the day before flying out of Oslo.
I was unsure what I wanted to do and one of my good friends in India is getting married with a traditional wedding in Himanchal Pradesh at the end of October so I really wanted to make it to India for that. I applied for my Indian Visa and was told it would take at least 3 weeks to process...... I had 2 weeks left in Norway and 2 guides working at Troll in Evje (Jesper from Denmark and Garth from South Africa) were planning on going to Nepal so I decided I would join them if my Visa didn't come in time.

Put in to the Trisuli River (we put in a little further down as the water is still coming down after monsoon)

Put in to Trisuli River. 1 client was on a day trip and 2 clients were doing an overnight trip so we had to load a lot of gear and food onto the cataraft.
In the end my Visa came 3 days before I was meant to fly out of Norway but I was so hyped about Nepal I decided to still go ahead with plans and try and make time to enter India in November before going to Canada for the winter.
I had a pretty big trip over to Nepal. First getting the bus overnight from Sjoa to Oslo Gardemoen, flying into London and spending the night there before flying out of Heathrow the following night.

Trying to cool down the rafts so the air inside the tubes doesn't get so hot it expands

Local porter helping carry gear down to the put-in
I was lucky that Jesper and I were on the same flight to Kathmandu. We didn't think entering Nepal through very rationally. We had to get a Visa on arrival and both had forgotten passport photos and there was no ATM inside the airport to get cash out. I had Norwegian Kroners but the exchange wouldn't accept them (although they took Danish Kr and Swedish Kr!).
It was so nice to be in a pair. Jesper and I took turns of minding the bags while each of us sorted out photos and money.... but unfortunately the last flight came in for the day just as we were about to join the Visa que and we ended up spending about 3 hours inside the airport before we were collected by Nikki from Adventure Aves and taken to Thamel in Kathmandu to check into our hotel and relax.

One of the best freestyle kayaker in Nepal on the 2-day Trisuli trip washing dishes at our camp site

Bishnu the safety Cataraft guide preparing dhal for dinner
Jesper and I spent a couple of days in a daze in Kathmandu. We spent a lot of time with our friend Bishnu Gurung the owner of Adventure Aves sampling thali, local beer and having dinner at one of the local trekking guide's houses. We then got out of Kathmandu for 2 days on a overnight Trisuli trip (Jesper and I both kayaking).
Bishnu showing us how the toilet works!

Jesper and Bishnu setting up the toilet but
Our kitchen
Almost full moon
The Trisuli was pretty easy going. Some say it's comparable to the Ganga in India but I found it pretty relaxing but really fun and beautiful at the same time. We had a middle aged couple from Belgium on the trip and they found it very exciting and really were impressed with all the work that Bishnu put into the trip to make it enjoyable for them.
Ingredients laid out ready for dinner (dhal, mixed veg, pasta, sauce and rice)
Getting the camp fire started
Dried buffalo meat cooked in a tasty sauce that Bishnu bought from the village. Was super tasty and also the first time I have ever eaten buffalo!
The next morning we only had about an hour on the river until we reached the take-out. Funnily enough we missed the tourist bus back to Kathmandu so we took a local bus and the only place available was the roof! I was skeptical at first but it was so hot that we were better on the roof than the inside of a stuffy bus and the view was pretty amazing!
Take-out and lunch spot for the Trisuli 2-day trip
Some local boys playing on a tractor
Tomorrow I am off on an 11-day trip on the Karnali River. I did this river when I visited Nepal last year so have high hopes and am very excited about how the trip will turn out:)
All photos copyright Jacqui Whitehead 2011