Tuesday 2 July 2013

A Reflection on Friends & Acquaintances

Before coming to Norway I felt as though I wanted to settle down and have a place to call home again. I still do but being able to be free without working and enjoy the outdoors, kayaking and my friends has made me get itchy feet again and want to explore the world again.

It’s also given me time to reflect on friendships. Sometimes when I’ve really needed my friends around me they have disappeared and this trip has made it clear who are true friends and which ones are on the surface. I am not the only person who would question this aspect of my life as many friendships are formed and broken everyday for many people out there. It has also shown me that people who you didn’t think valued you in fact care deeply and will show so much generosity and kindness that it opens your mind to view the world with fresh eyes.

Sometimes it’s easy to let negative energy from other people or their hurtful actions bring you down. It can also be difficult to pick yourself and the pieces up again. I’ve always had the frame of mind when people deliberately hurt you in a way that is unjust that it is to fulfil their own needs and create some joy from another persons downfall or it could be out of jealousy or their own insecurities.

For some time I’ve allowed other people’s actions define my own opinion of myself, allowed it to create insecurities in myself that were non exist prior. I am proud of myself for learning to deal with their actions by instead of letting it bring me down to now think ‘okay that was kind of shitty’ and move on, not focus on something out of my control and think of all the positives.

As myself all I can do is to continue to treat everyone around me with kindness and respect. The Universe finally listened and in what was an unideal situation initially turned out to be one of the greatest 2 weeks I’ve ever had in Norway. I’ve made some new friends and reconnected with friends who I’ve not seen for quite some time who have shown me the same kindness and respect that I give them. Others have gone beyond my expectations and I can’t thank them enough for the impact they have made on my life.

Many people may think that travelling is the easy life but when you have done it as long as me it can take its toll. It is not easy when you don’t have a place to call home to escape to or when you don’t have family you love with you all the time. But I would choose no other life because the challenges it brings and the amazing people you meet along the way is worth more than gold. 

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